MM, MC, or MI cartridge

Can somebody briefly describe the difference in the sonic characteristics of these types of cartridge, if possible?

I’ve never had a MC and I’m wondering what difference it would make.


Hey Lew - I haven't researched it, I just have never seen another cartridge company talking about stylus lives of 2500-3000 hours. I typically hear 1500. Maybe 1000. If you listen a lot, a VDH will last 3-4 years. If you use another brand and get 75% of the life (probably optimistic) and it costs $500 (or more) to service the cartridge and replace the stylus, that would equate to a savings of over $125 a year (5 decent records). Plus the aggravation factor, especially if you are like me and don't have quality spares laying around to use while the work is taking place.

I don't think the upper VDH cartridge stylus replacements are much if any different than the low-mid models, so if you get higher level one, your ongoing costs shouldn't be much if anything more. A dealer I trust more than any other recommended/sold a barely used VDH to me over 10 years ago and I haven't felt the need to switch. I don't enjoy constantly testing new equipment (especially cartridges) back and forth, and unless you have a multi armed table, it is not a quick and easy thing to do. It is very difficult to remember what something sounds like in an A/B test. I'm not a tinkerer and am mainly interested in having the music I like playing as close to sounding live as possible.

Dear @sokogear  : "  van den Hul cartridges use a unique designed.shaped stylus "

Your statement is a misunderstood and is wrong.


VDH S, Ortofon Replicant 100 and Paratrace all are the same stylus shape and comes from Gyger ( do you know that the humble Goldring 1042 comes with the S shaped stylus tip?, well it comes with ! !   ). Please read this post coming from a professional re-tipper that really know what he is talking about.


All these information including the Goldring characteristic are in the long MM thread:




@mglik - Better is hard to say since preference can be very subjective and dependent upon how well a cartridge matches an arm and system. A Moving Iron design that could prove a worthy competitor is the Grado Epoch3 at $12K or possibly even their Aeon3 at $6K. Different balance which may appeal to certain listeners compared to the Lyra.

I read the threads from the link provided by @rauliruegas and it seems @needlestein was the only coherent poster. Raul is correct - I was wrong when I said VDH has a unique stylus design, but the end cartridges results with the stylus is unique.

Bottom line - what other cartridges state their styli last 2500-3000 hours? From people's experience, has anyone had cartridges other than van den Hul's last this long? I would bet most of these guys use so many different cartridges they lose track of how much time is on each one when they have them serviced.

Personally, I would only send my cartridges back to AJ van den Hul for service/maintenace, for any necessary worn parts replacement- be it stylus, cantilever, suspension, whatever. He made it originally and knows what it should be. He has the last word on his own products!