On 6SN7s, here's what I wrote to my audio buddies tonite:
"Wow are my ears and brain (?) tired. Just listened carefully to a half-dozen samples of 'N7s in the frontend* of the 'Canes. Of the 6 samples, I made notes on only 4, that is, I think I heard character in only 4 tubes--3 were a little edgy/bright, and one seemed a little warmer. After listening to all 6, several more than once, I replaced the 2 Chinese inverter/driver tubes** with RCAs and left them in; that seemed to increase the spaciousness a bit.
I hope Pat's coming over tomorrow to help!
* 2 Voltage-gain stages in series...cascade, I believe it's called.
** one section of the dual triode is half of the amp's long-tail phase splitter and the other section is the cathode-follower driver."
Listening carefully to stuff like this is WORK for me. Oh well...it must be a labor of love or I wouldn't be doing it.
My 'Cane mods are in 4 general areas--the coupling caps, the decoupling (= frontend) dropping resistors and storage caps (currently 4 'lytics), the main PS, and the grounding wiring and rest of chassis. For the decouplers, I'll be tossing all the 'lytics and replacing them with Solen 'propylenes bypassed with SoniCap-2s. I've ordered them, but I'll soon be determining if the sizes I chose will work. On the PS, I'll be increasing the total capacity a little and putting most (about 80%) in the 1st pole and using only 200µF of Blackgate 500s in the 2nd pole, probably with a little MC-RTX bypass.
I'm going to try to install one piece of 14g. solid copper wire as the ground wire and run it around the chassis instead of having all those little (18g.? 20g.?), stranded wires running all over. I thought about using solid silver but decided that was overkill. I will be using double-20g. solid-silver conductors in teflon airtubes for signal or high-Voltage wiring I feel like replacing. Probably will be replacing few resistors, as resistors generally have far less character than caps, and the resistors ASL uses are plenty good enough for me.
Did you get details on your amps' mods done by Mr. Bogdan?