"I only care about the SQ."
I see you are also deep into the rabbit hole of vinyl.😉
I used to think the same. During many years of optimizing and evolving my system to just getting it better and better. Learning how production process of a LP and their steps. Going deep into LP rabbit hole. With the mental drive force that I am only after SQ..
But after all upgrades, refinements and increasing knowledge. I now know that vinyl is not a way to obtain the BEST SQ after all my learning and experience but during the time going down to the hole and staying there the LP has rubbed off and i noticed that it is far from best SQ but other aspects than SQ that I value.
So more correct is to say. I care only about the best LP SQ.
But it is a long journey with a lot technical knowledge (maybe it has helped me to been working in the process industry and later software developer and software tester so LP process is nothing magical or digital for that matter with critical thinking as tester) to come to that conclusion.