Mojo Audio Mystique EVO

Mojo Audio updated their website yesterday with details on the next generation of the Mojo Mystique DAC, the Mystique EVO.

Unlike the V3, the EVO has upgrade options for component, isolation and shielding upgrades - at purchase or to be upgraded later.   The website states there are plans to release new boards for ethernet/roon, and other dac chips like the PCM63.

I pre-ordered an EVO in late February with a few upgrades.  I'm expected to receive it in 1-2 weeks, and I'll post my impressions after some time with it.  I currently have the Mystique V3 and I find it fantastic.  Really looking forward to hearing Ben's next iteration.

I got my Evo B4B21 last week. I have over 100 hours on it. It must still be breaking in. I am using a Laufer Teknik Memory Player with Roon streaming ripped cd files, Quoboz, and Tidal. At first, there were a lot of ticks and pops. It was kind of like listening to a record. Not sure what was going on, but the last couple of days have been better, with only a couple of very light tick sounds over several hours of listening. I’m thinking maybe it’s my usb cable. I have a few others I could try, but the sound has been so good that I haven’t been motivated to swap cables yet. Maybe my Roon settings are not optimized. I will need to investigate more.

Despite this relatively minor issue, I am finding that there is much less distortion when playing back my favorite music. One strategy that I use is that I listen to poor sounding recordings when auditioning new gear. I am finding that the Evo is making some of my "modern" recordings that are compressed sound more tolerable. Bad recordings sound better. One example is Nathan Rateliff’s self titled album. This is a recording that was intolerable when I had my Benchmark Dac 3L. The Dac 3L is supposed to have near perfect measurements but it made certain recordings unlistenable. I don’t know how the Evo measures, but Rateliff’s album now sounds quite good in my room, especially the song "SOB." I even made it all the way through the dreadfully recorded Oasis album "(What’s the Story) Morning Glory" which is a first for me. I can now make more sense of the fuzzed out, distorted guitar playing and cymbal crashes that are on Champagne Supernova. I have always felt very uncomfortable listening to this album, but now it is border line acceptable, if not great. Jazz recordings are wonderful. The cohesiveness and naturalness of my Mystique V.3 has been retained but now there is more incite into the recording. Also, there is more bass heft. For example, McCartney’s bass guitar playing in "Silly Love Songs" is more prominent. My speakers have an adjustable bass output knob so I can dial it down if I feel it’s going to be an issue, but I’m actually enjoying the extra weight. I think I am hearing more like what a live bass guitar is supposed to sound - and feel - like.
@thaluza , congrats on receiving your EVO, and I am glad you like the sound. Keep sharing what you are hearing. I am still looking forward to seeing my unit get here. I understand they have had some parts delays. I hope the popping sound from your unit resolves. That would be unacceptable for gear at this level. I have never heard anything like that from my Mystic v3 so I hope you figure out it is something other than the DAC.
I have been looking at servers to update my Antipodes DX3 and Mojo’s Deja Vu EVO is for sure on my list but I am going to wait until my DAC gets here before I start down that road.
Thanks mitch2. Tonight, my EVO is presenting an even more holographic soundstage. I am really enjoying it. I think I found the problem with the pops and ticks. My usb cable is heavy and somewhat inflexible. It was not making a good connection with the "floating" usb connector on the back of the EVO. I tried another cable and it seems all is well. Hope you get your EVO soon.. 
My EVO B4B is en route from Mojo Audio right now.  I had the opamps upgraded from Sparkos to the current Staccatos they use today in the '21 version. I'll post my impressions soon.

FWIW, I feed the EVO from a DCS Network Bridge using AES - BlackCat Digit 110 cable.
I have 150+ hours on my B4B now, upgrades included the class A output and SPDIF analog section upgrade (both standard on B4B21).  I'm comparing it to a Luxman D08u, streaming through a Lumin U1.  The Luxman is a very smooth and 'analogue' CD player (and DAC) but also great detail with refined highs.  Out of the box they were pretty close, which surprised me, having tried the Mystique V2x last year, which was muddy initially and took a week or so break-in for the treble detail to catch up to the Luxman.  After 150 hours now the Mojo has more saturated colors than the Luxman and a bit more 3D soundstage.  More musical and dynamic overall, and I'd say the sound is sweeter than the Lux.  I see what some have said about being able to turn it up, it is smooth but not lacking in detail at the same time.  I'm looking forward to what further break-in may bring.  System is Luxman separates and Harbeth 40.2 with Nordost cabling.