Have had basically 3 (you may say 4 DACs) over the last year.
Ayre QB-9 DSD..
When I sent it in to Ayre for the “twenty upgrade “ I bought a Benchmark DAC-3.
Really different…super clear and concise…better base articulation..blah blah..
but aggressive sounding to me. Using a different USB cable helped immensely
(not doing cable discussions, just what I hear)…
Eventually got the upgraded Ayre back..
Took forever to open up. Sounded like mud for ages. Almost gave up…but it’s
An incredibly enjoyable and engaging sound…sold the Benchmark..
(2 versions of an Ayre DAC, a Benchmark DAC and …)
I then bought an Evo B4B.. ( big birthday, you only live once).
45 day return policy…why not!
It’s not getting returned! It has all of the character and articulation of the Benchmark…resolution, better bass, more air..but it’s all organic and involving not aggressive or digital. Just more fun..
FWIW based on Benjamins advice..I bit the bullet and bought a Jays CDT…Jay says 400 hours to burn in..
I’m maybe 100 hours in…the gap is getting bigger, CDT versus computer audio..
the transport..more coherent, more air, better decay (more hang time so to speak) on and on…
Great DAC..I’ll be curious about the future upgrades regarding the on/switch for the USB input..