The 1980 trial and error world you life in is a very limited world. First you need to understand that before you can make any good choice. All the decisions you wil make, will only get you access to a very limited level of each loudspeasker you will buy.
The biggest problem of trial and error is the fact you you can only use a limited level in quality of what the loudspeaker is capable of. Tru-Fi proofs over and over again how much more effective it is.
When I let a new client audition a Tru-Fi system with his own music, they directly understand how much more effective a Tru-Fi system is compared to their trial and error system at home.
When I see how people spend their money on a system I can understand and read that they are not able to use their money the best way. This is why I invited Audioquest to proof how much more effective we can use all their cables.
When you can think and work in properties you will always use each single part in any system so much more effective.
The biggest problem of trial and error is the fact you you can only use a limited level in quality of what the loudspeaker is capable of. Tru-Fi proofs over and over again how much more effective it is.
When I let a new client audition a Tru-Fi system with his own music, they directly understand how much more effective a Tru-Fi system is compared to their trial and error system at home.
When I see how people spend their money on a system I can understand and read that they are not able to use their money the best way. This is why I invited Audioquest to proof how much more effective we can use all their cables.
When you can think and work in properties you will always use each single part in any system so much more effective.