Monitor Audio Pl 300ii vs. KEF Reference 5

I own the KEF Reference 5s.  I borrowed the Monitor Audio Pl300 ii speakers for comparison, which is still under way.  Thoughts so far:  Both are good speakers.  The KEFs provide a lot of detail.  Listening to classical music, you can hear orchestral instruments and sections pretty clearly.  Background and counter melodies can be identified. Piano music is very realistic.  The MAs do not provide as much instrumental detail but they do have a more mellow, deeper, broader sound.  Which is better is really a matter of personal choice.  As I said, I’m still listening so these are some quick preliminary reactions.  More later.  
The 1980 trial and error world you life in is a very limited world. First you need to understand that before you can make any good choice. All the decisions you wil make, will only get you access to a very limited level of each loudspeasker you will buy. 

The biggest problem of trial and error is the fact you you can only use a limited level in quality of what the loudspeaker is capable of. Tru-Fi proofs over and over again how much more effective it is.

When I let a new client audition a Tru-Fi system with his own music, they directly understand how much more effective a Tru-Fi system is compared to their trial and error system at home. 

When I see how people spend their money on a system I can understand and read that they are not able to use their money the best way. This is why I invited Audioquest to proof how much more effective we can use all their cables.

When you can think and work in properties you will always use each single part in any system so much more effective.

Funny—during my auditioning I  searched for a nearby dealer who had the Reference 5 on display. I even called KEF for help.  No luck.  But three local dealers had the Reference 3.  I bought the Reference 5s based on hearing the 3 and liking their imaging and soundstage, but without ever hearing the 5.  
yyzsantabarbara,  perhaps we can assist you in your endevor

We have the entire Reference line, we have the One Monitors, we have the Three and Five Floorstanders and we have the Blade 1. 

So perhaps that trip to NYC that you were putting off might just be due, heck the tax savings alone would make it worth it, just saying.

As per Bo, what planet are you from? The best audio systems we have ever experienced in 30 years of professional audio  design are system which are experimented combinations of cables, power conditioning, amplifiers, preamplifiers, loudspeakers, source components and room tuning. 

If you notice the market usually finds setups that work synergistically together, such as the famous 2C3D Avalon/Spectral/Mit setups of the 90.s or the current pairing of Wilson and Dagastino. 

The normal world order in audio is:

1: Select the speaker that works for you size, visual look, amount of bass, clarity, soundstage

2: Select the electronics which work to bring out the speakers

3: Find the source components which work with the electronics and speakers

4: Find the cables that work.

5: Install, setup and tune the room add power conditioning, and accessories to focus and bring out the best attributes of the system.

If you are insisting your method is not trial and error, how did you come up with the pairing of Pass and Monitor? Pass doesn't make loudspeakers really, and Monitor doesn't make electronics so someone, you, had to try this pairing and you proclaimed it to be good. 

Personally we would think this to be a terrible combination, the Monitors tend to be very warm and so is the Pass gear, so you should get mud.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

Audio needs parameters. When they would give the world of audio the right and true parameters of sound it would become a lot more easy to understand how audio works. But first of all they have not the right insight and knowledge. And second they do not want people to understand it. 

This way they can let people believe what they want them to believe. I am addicted to music since I was a child. Music need to be played as realistic as possible.

Music owns different properties. This has nothing to do with a personal taste. When you cut of a property of sound of a recording you will experience the same music less intense. When you cut of another property it will become even less emotional than before the last situation.

For music you need audioproducts who can reveal all the details and layers of a recording. This has nothing to do with personal taste. These are 100% facts.

But the problem in audio is that most products cannot reveal all the different properties of sound. This will have a negative influence on the human emotion. I think and believe that the products which are produced are incomplete based on ignorance.

That is why we want to create new products so people come closer to the truth of their music. We want as many people possible to experience their beloved music with maximum emotion.
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