I just stepped down from the Vandersteen 2CE Sig II to a pair of Spendor S3/5 for very similar reasons--I moved to a smaller space where the Vandies wouldn't work.
In the near-field (5 foot equilateral triangle) and at low volumes (60-75 dB) I couldn't be happier with the change. Soundstaging, timbre, musical detail, and enough low-end warmth to sound full and rich... You could buy the new S3/5R new within your budget or a used pair at $600-650. I haven't heard the Harbeth or Stirling, but the Spendor is a great speaker. I don't miss the Vandies...much.
In the near-field (5 foot equilateral triangle) and at low volumes (60-75 dB) I couldn't be happier with the change. Soundstaging, timbre, musical detail, and enough low-end warmth to sound full and rich... You could buy the new S3/5R new within your budget or a used pair at $600-650. I haven't heard the Harbeth or Stirling, but the Spendor is a great speaker. I don't miss the Vandies...much.