I remember an watching an interview with Graham Edge (drummer). He said a middle aged woman told him about the time she and her teenage daughter were not doing too well relationship wise (ah, teenagers). One day when she was downstairs, she heard her daughter playing some music up in her room. It sounded good. She went up and asked her what she was playing. She said "It's a Moody Blues album". The mother went up into the attic, dusted off some of "her" old MB's and brought them down to show her. They played them and formed a connection that stayed.
There's a DVD called "Legend of a Band". It's all about them and their history. Check it out if you haven't already.
Surprise for me was after years of hearing "Go Now" on various oldies stations, I did not know it was them singing it.
There's a DVD called "Legend of a Band". It's all about them and their history. Check it out if you haven't already.
Surprise for me was after years of hearing "Go Now" on various oldies stations, I did not know it was them singing it.