Mordaunt Short speakers . Tri-wire vs Single wire


I have just recently purchased a pair of Mordaunt Short system 442 speakers. They are Tri-Wireable ready.

If I want to use a single speaker wire (copper jumper plates are in place),

Where do I connect the speaker cables ?

Which binding post do I hook up the single speaker wire to : Treble, Midrange or Bass speaker binding posts ?

One day I would like to get tri-wire speaker cables and compare vs single wire. To see if there are any improvements if any.

But all I have now is a single pair run of speaker wire for each channel. Thank you very much for your help.

I have the Mordaunt-Short Performance 6 speakers which are also tri-wirable. I've got them bi-wired currently but replaced the stock copper jumpers with a wire cable matching the speaker cable. Transparency seemed to improve with this change - so might be worth trying before you go to bi or tri-wire. Any speaker post is fine for the amp to speaker cable run.
On the Performance 6 at least, M-S specify in the manual that single-wiring should be connected to the bottom set of binding posts out of the three, i.e., the woofers. Why they recommend this I don't know for sure. You could make the argument that the woofers demand the lion's share of the current draw and therefore should have the most direct, lowest-resistance connection. On the other hand, some folks advocate (in general) connecting to the tweeter posts, presumably on the grounds that this will offer greater sonic purity where it is most readily discernable. Whether any of this is actually reflective of reality I can't say, but it seems to me that the obvious thing to do if you're wondering would be to experiment with all three positions and see if you can hear any deciding differences.
I compared single-wiring to the bottom (woofer) and top (tweeter) binding posts on the Performance 6. Obviously the speakers work either way, but my results indicate that high-level dynamics are compromised when single-wiring to the tweeter posts, as well as upper bass definition, lower bass weight, bass integration with the midrange, and stage depth (again, for comparitive purposes I did these tests at high listening levels, using uncompressed hard rock music featuring impactful drums and heavy bass). I did not notice any significant degradations of midrange or treble purity at these volumes when single-wiring to the woofer posts. (I just wish it was possible to actually get these damn posts that don't accept a wrench and are spaced too close together truly tight on spades.)