Morrow IC's

I just noted that Morrow has a Christmas and New Year's sale right now.  35% off.  I am looking at buying a pair of IC's from them since they have a good Money Back Guarantee and trial period.  No lose situation.

I can't find many reviews from people that have used the Morrow MA 1.1 or MA 2 IC's.  

Anyone have any experience with either of these cables?  Both are in my price range with the discount.  
Alright, you all've convinced me, I took the plunge and ordered a pair of MA2's.  Will report back.  

Mine are probably 3 weeks or more off since I opted for the 10 day break in.  I'm going to have MA5 from cd player source to amp.  I've swapped in Ascend Sierra 2 speakers with the ribbon tweeters for more detail over the Totem Rainmakers.  

We'll see what Morrow can do.
I want to know if the "break-in" process is reversible…if you prefer the sound of the cables before break-in, they will simply descend into the broken-in sound and there's nothing you can do to stop that except unplug them, at which point there can be a sort of disconnect.
lee maze.  sorry for the late reply.  Been very busy with numerous things and tied up with a few more diseased minds like fsonicsmith on a separate thread about cheap tube amps from China.

The Morrow cable is far better than the Nevergreen from AQ.  I could not hear a difference between stock IC's that come with a component or that cable.  I know that AQ makes some very good cables but that entry level one is not one I would recommend.  

Have the 1.1's going strong now and they sound fine.  Good detail in them.
It's possible to have too much detail. If that French Horn doesn't back off I'm driving to the venue with a tennis ball...