There is no perfect device. Mosfets output stages are:
- more robust than transistors
- have higher bandwidth
- are more tolerant of difficult loads
but are:
- less efficient since have lower voltage swing from the same supply voltage
- are more nonlinear than transistors around cutoff region
- require more gain in preceding stages to eliminate crossover distortions
- limited ability to apply local feedback (low gain)
My experience with different types of amps is very limited but judging by reviews and opinions there are good and bad amps in each category.
The only area where Mosfets win hands down are class D amps but this is different type of Mosfets (vertical vs lateral) specifically designed for switching.
- more robust than transistors
- have higher bandwidth
- are more tolerant of difficult loads
but are:
- less efficient since have lower voltage swing from the same supply voltage
- are more nonlinear than transistors around cutoff region
- require more gain in preceding stages to eliminate crossover distortions
- limited ability to apply local feedback (low gain)
My experience with different types of amps is very limited but judging by reviews and opinions there are good and bad amps in each category.
The only area where Mosfets win hands down are class D amps but this is different type of Mosfets (vertical vs lateral) specifically designed for switching.