Most Audiophiles by State

My wife was asking me this question. I thought it would probably be California.

Anyone know how we can get actual data? Thoughts?
I'm sure the magazines have a really good idea..
Well, I certainly know that there are a lot of audiophiles here in California, (including myself). I know there are a lot in New York too, which is understandable. (Both are high population centers.)

And, Colorado has more than its fair share too. Possibly (probably?) because of the large number of audiophile manufacturers located there.

Interesting question, and I am interested in the results of your research.
I think that first you would have to clearly define 'audiophile'. That said, I would suspect it is a general percentage of the population, maybe higher in states with higher incomes, so I would suspect the top 3 to be California, Texas and New York, though the order may vary. Over the years, it seems to me that California and New York seem to present the highest percentage of ads on AudiogoN. Pennsylvania reporting here.
