Most enjoyable speaker you heard under $800??

What is the most enjoyable and satisfying speaker UP TO $700.00, you either listened to or owned.

Consider musicality as an important factor in your comments that is, the sound really held your attention, and also amazed you. Thanks, Jimbo
TO: JL35
Acoustic Zen Adagio

Monitor Audio RS-6

Silverline Prelude II

Green Mountain "Europa"

Vandersteen CI

Epos 12 or 12i .

As much as I like the AZ Adagios, the Silverline Prelude II was possibly the best overall sound, but they take 700 hours to break in, and need cooper cable to sound best, like previous Analysis Plus Oval 12
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None! Had to cimb to $900 to get into "enjoyable" territory. Adam F7 actives.