Most Musical 6NS7 tube for a Preamp?

A request for recommendations by those with experience with different 6SN7 tubes.

My system so far is a Pass Labs XA25 SS Amp, and a circa 1988 Tannoy FSMs.
The speakers operate at 4 ohms with a 94 sensitivity.

The room size is medium. Acoustically well treated.

I listen at lower volumes 60-75db. Vocals mostly.

I am looking for the most musical preamp, with a remote.

Budget is $3k. Used preferred. Better value.

Not considering anything from Schiit Audio.

Considering- Supratek Chardonnay.

Any other suggestions?

Tube Ideas?

Thank you!
Yeah @atmasphere, for pre-amp applications, Roger had a hard-on for the 6DJ8 (used in his RM-5 and the Audible Illusions Modulus 2 & 3). He was a man of "firm" opinions. ;-)
Well, the Don Sachs Model 2 has evolved quite a bit from only a year ago. It has better caps, a full wave rectifier (you can hear the it ships with a half wave rectifier too), sealed input relays, better tubes, new housing/casing. And you can have it match the input impedance of whatever amp you’re feeding. 
I sold my AI L3.
I want a preamp that makes everything sound better not just be invisible.
Is this unreasonable? 

From what I am hearing its down to three choices:

-New Supratek Chardonnay $2-$2,500
-New or used deHavilland Ultra $2,500 + or -.
-Used Audio Note M2 $2,500 or so.

Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences
with the gear I need to decide on.

You must try 2c22 (7193) tubes with adapter. You need two for one 6sn7. Imho the best solution for 6sn7 preamplifiers.
One more vote here for the Don Sachs preamp. You won't regret it musically, and it is perfectly in your price range. Also very easy access for rolling tubes.