Most "Non-Digital" Sounding CDP

I have a Cary 308 cdp. It's very detailed and full--I won't say "warm," because it's not. Indeed, I would say that it just sounds like a very, very good "digital" product. What have you all heard that doesn't make you think "digital?"
I have an audio aero capitole mk II and that seems to be the king of analog sounding one box players at this time. I have heard many many players, and very few challenge the capitole. Honorable mentions would have to go to the audio mecca mephisto II. I am told there is a new two piece unit that is phenomenal though I have not heard it yet, it seems to be getting a wonderful review from the first reports. Mine will be in around May-June so I will know more then, but for now with in a sane price range the capitole II is where its at!
A $37k MBL Transport and DAC front end is about as close to analogue as I have heard. It made the Capitole II sound well... not-so-good (it better for over four times the price).

Anyway, most 16 bit digital just does not sound at all like decent vinyl. My digital sounds very, very good (Ayre CX-7), but when I play my Rega P9 Turntable, my digital pales in comparison.... It is not even funny.

I am becoming more and more convinced that 16bit digital (ANY 16bit digital) can not EVER sound like vinyl. Even the MBL gear I stated above, I am willing to bet if I had a $10k turntable setup in that reference system, the turntable would blow away the $37k MBL gear.

I am very Pleased with the Audio research CD2 . Very smooth and relaxed, but still a rocker !