Most useful tweaks that are sensible and really make a noticeable improvement

So after reading the thread of useless tweaks I'd  be interested the communities opinions of useful tweaks. I may be rehashing a previous thread but times change as do useful tweaks.

I have found that in my case the following were useful, immediate and audible,
In order of priority in my opinion
1 Room treatment
2 Speaker location, ie proper setup
3 Subwoofer location (if used)
4 Subwoofer integration
5 Component isolation
6 Cables, all SC/IC etc, normally I would not mention cables but did have an ear opening epiphany that makes me believe cables are system dependant and I do not mean directionality.

So if anybody has anything to add, please do so as none of us are ever too old to learn.

As a great tweak for those who still use an aged HT processor but an newer media player use the players DAC instead of the processors if possible. Simply use the analog outs (if available) connected to analog in on processor and set processors configuration to analog bypass. It's an almost free tweak 
Walker Audio High Definition Links
Golden Sound Acoustic Disks 
Isoacoustics Ghia "feet"
Helmhotz (type) Resonators
Crushed Quartz 
Blu-Tack Putty
Ceramic Ball Bearings (under Corian shelves)
Sound Coat Damping Sheets

All of the above have improved the sound quality of my system 
1. Get your ears cleaned,,, Perhaps checked as well.
2. Near Complete Darkness when listening
3. Don't wear spectacles/contacts
4. Eliminate other noise.. Fridges, Hard Drives etc,,,
5. Good Bottle of Wine
6. Music sounds better later at night.

Obtain exact level of the CD to reduce tendency of the disc to wobble whilst playing, which is not good for quality of laser reading, especially in light of the fact CDs are frequently out of round. However, the level of the top of the CD player may not be the same level as the CD. What to Do? What To Do? 🤔