Move on from my Bryston BDA-1?

Given the advancement in DAC technology would I achieve a noticeable (started to say significant) improvement in audible performance by upgrading from my current (but early generation) Bryston BDA-1? I am hesitate on the assumption that the internals of the Bryston (e.g., power supplies, output stage) are still hi-grade but understand the CS-4398 chips have been surpassed. I should mention in the system I stream from a Bluesound Node 2i (and in another use an identical streamer with a Topping D90 DAC). 
While we are on the subject (and thanks for all of the input) what about the new Liberty II DAC that retails for just under $1K? I realize no one has had any chance to use or review this yet but if you have had experience with the original Liberty it would be valuable to see how it stacked up against those we already have been discussing. 
Just a thank you to those who responded. Sold the Bryston and purchased an Ares II. I expected a long wait for shipment but it arrived within 8 days of ordering and with several messages along the way confirming the order, tracking shipment, and thanking me for the purchase.  


I realize this is a long shot after so many years but if you're still around i would be interested to know how the Ares ll compared to the Bryston and if you kept it.

I'm in a similar situation in that i have a Bryston BDA-2 and wondering which DAC would be an improvement in terms of transparency. Also wondering if you ever got around to try the Chord Qutest at some point in your journey - it's a DAC i'm considering at the moment.

Thank you.