Movie/film suggestions.


While this is of course a forum for the discussion of all things audio/hi-fi and music, pretty much all of us are also lovers of movies, the enjoyment of which is effected by the reproduction of the sound they contain (with the exception of silent movies wink).

I've been focused on David Lynch movies since his death, but with current events so much a part of our lives at the moment, I plan on re-watching a movie I’ve seen only once, and years ago. That movie is:

The Madness Of King George. Apropos, no?



@bdp24  I admit that part of my affection for The Fortune Cookie is because I practiced law for 40 years and the TFC is a perfect send-up of personal injury lawsuits.  And great in other ways, too.  

Probably my career also heightens my appreciation of the Coens' Intolerable Cruelty.  I also loved the Hudsucker Proxy and Burn After Reading.  The Ladykillers is good but not among their bests IMO.  Surprising nobody has mentioned Blood Simple and The Big Lebowski as Coen essentials, too.


Yep, forgot about The Big Lebowski, and I really need to rewatch Blood Simple again. I've seen it only once, and that many years ago. I need to see Miller's Crossing again too.


While you're completing your tour of the Coens' oeuvre, please watch Barton Fink and then write me and tell me what the Hell that was about!  Interesting how I can so enjoy a movie that I have no understanding of at all (like Lynch's Mulholland Drive).

A couple that used to be my favorites:

Pat Garrett And Billy The Kid

Apocalypse Now


I'm with you @77jovian. I have no idea what Barton Fink is about, and it's unlike the Coens to be so abstract. I find this film very disturbing.

Mulholland drive is slightly more understandable, since we know Lynch likes to play around with dream sequences vs. reality. And we expect his films to be abstract.