@immatthewj I don’t mean to say: Clooney is a bad actor/not great/etc. I have some unpopular views about actors, e.g. I don’t think De Niro is that good (as in: some think he is the best). It’s a combination of looks, acting skills, personal background and roles that define that greatness. In short, bad actors would never get a role even in a low budget movie. They are all very talented. I grew up watching Eastern European movies where a 1/3 of the actors are terrible. Small talent pool. In the US/Hollywood, looks will never be enough. There are 100s of Brad Pitts sleeping in their cars on Sunset Blvd, waiting for their first roles.
A good example is Tom Hanks. He had some classic roles in his 30s and 40s, for the ages. He couldn’t not be great. And then he just became too great and saying lines was sufficient, he had the charisma, the looks and hopefully the chemistry with Meg Ryan or whoever.
Lately he is grumpy old man or predictable tough guy. I am suffering when I watch him. In Otto, in my opinion he is horrible. His son on the other hand is a delight. I could say the same thing about Denzel. Predictable roles and performances. Yet, he is still 110% on top his game, however much or little the role asks from him, he brings it, it’s a delight to watch him even in a reverse mortgage commercial. Hanks is just annoying. No, old people don’t act this way.. Please watch some old people live in their suburbia duplex.