Anyone mentioned "Birdcage" ?
Robin Williams, Gene Hackman (RIP)
Movie/film suggestions.
While this is of course a forum for the discussion of all things audio/hi-fi and music, pretty much all of us are also lovers of movies, the enjoyment of which is effected by the reproduction of the sound they contain (with the exception of silent movies ).
I've been focused on David Lynch movies since his death, but with current events so much a part of our lives at the moment, I plan on re-watching a movie I’ve seen only once, and years ago. That movie is:
The Madness Of King George. Apropos, no?
@bassbuyer , +1! Yeah, that did make me laugh. Particularly the desk top scene. Michael Keaton played his part excellently. |
I was thinking of commenting on this subject after reading the original question. The OP appeared to me to originally ask,’’Pretty much all of us are lovers of movies’’… ‘The reproduction of sound they contain’’ From a technical viewpoint and being from a cinema presentation background my answer would have been so off track from what’s been posted. l would have commented on films with great sound design….effects and ambience that bring films to life. |