Moving from mm to mc

In prior threads I did a poor job of communicating. Let me state quickly where I am and where I want to go. In the days before children I ate, drank and slept vinyl. Since they are grown and gone, I have pulled the vinyl out and picked up a Garrard 401 with a SME 3009 Series II improved tone arm and a Shure V15 Type III cartridge. I drove 100 miles from Charlotte, NC to Raleigh, NC to have the tone arm rewired and the 401 checked out. All was well until I recently listened to a Benz Micro Glider through a tube amp and was blown away. That is where I want to go … to a system using a mc. However, getting from a 7.1 home theatre system to a viable mc system is proving to be a major undertaking, because the quality and technology has changed so much. So I will use my existing system until I figure this out. I did pick up an EAR 88pb at an outrageously low price, because I read enough to know that I would need a decent phono preamp to support mid to low output mc’s.

I have read about matching the tone arm to the specs of the mc you want to use, and selecting a good turntable. Please indulge a few questions: 1) Can I realistically incorporate my 401, or should I move on to something else? 2) Can I use my SME? As I understand it, the SME is not designed to work with mid to low output mc’s. 3) Finally, should I change out the power cord on the EAR, and what cabling would you recommend? Realistically, I know this will take a while to figure this out. In the event I have to replace all, I am estimating $4,000 - $6,000 for a tt, arm and cart, depending on new or used. I would like to think I can incorporate my Yamaha RX-V3900 in the loop. At this point, I could use some sound advice. It is tough when you live in a city without a good stereo shop. Thank you.
If you buy about eight MCs you might get lucky and find one that suits your tonearm/turntable.
That is what I did.
I still prefer my Empire 600LAC MM however.
I also own the EAR 88PB phono preamp, and believe the stock power cord that comes with it is a very good one, though for quite some time I've been running the Wegrzyn Copper Slam with it. In my system, the Wegrzyn helps impart a spacious,slightly warm,slightly laid back and very musical sound. Once you get your system together, and before you decide to buy a different cord, do give the stock EAR cord a fair listen. You may feel it deserves to stay exactly where it is. Best of luck. Incidentally, you've got a very fine sounding phono preamp there!
I do not know what stuck you on Glider, but I had this cart for like two years, and after switching couple month ago to Denon DL103 I feel very sorry for it. Other than crystal clear highs Glider is lifeless compared to Denon. I could listen to my top 10 percent of LPs with it, while Denon opened up gates to almost all %100. I am pretty sure now if LP does not sound good with Denon, its pretty much worthless. Oh and for the price of Glider you can buy Denon + phono stage or SUT.

ps.: my vinyl rig consist of Rega P25/RB600 and decent tube MM phonostage. Since selling glider opened up some funds, I could buy a denon dl103 and a graham Slee AMP3 MC phonostage.

>All was well until I recently listened to a Benz Micro >Glider through a tube amp and was blown away.
Thank you. I get a lot of positive fedback on the DL-103. Is the DL-103R an updated 103?