Moving up from an Oppo 205

I have an Oppo 205 that I am using as a DAC with an Aurrender N100 via USB.  It sound surprising good and actually a better sounding (and functioning DAC) than the one in My McIntosh C2500.  I not only listen to my collection of Hi-Rez files but also now Tidal with MQA.   What would be a noticeable upgrade for a DAC and or DAC with steaming abilities. 
Only from a 2ch audio perspective.  
Thank you


"I would first look at which USB cable you’re using. WireWorld series 8 was a big improvement for me in my 105"

Wouldn’t no USB cable at all be best? Just plug a drive right into the socket?

BTW, I'm a fan of WireWorld.

Yes I would agree, I have experienced noticeable improvement with cables. Current a Shunyata Venom USB cable which was an upgrade from a previous Audioquest wich was an upgrade from a basic USB cable.  Also I have realized noticeable improvements with power cable upgrades.  I have all Shunyata  Alpha NR and Sigma NR on everything.  Ironically my power cable on my Oppo cost more than the Oppo cost when bought new!  But I was not a subtle improvement !
Adameos. What DAC is your 205 feeding? I have a 105D and am considering a similar move.
Before you do anything, I would recommend trying some Vibrapods under the 205's feet.  Frankly, I was never much for footers or cones, but I had some Vibrapods lying around I just thought I would try it.  IMO, the sound became much more harmonically complete and less "digital" for lack of a better word.  Just try it and you might be surprised.  Or not. 
Does anyone like the Aurender A10?
streaming , storage, and DAC all in one ?  I do like my Aurender N100. And my Oppo but my goal is again one box that does all for 2ch file playing and streaming . And gain a noticeable SQ improvement.  The Oppo will move to the TV room.....
And Yes I have Vibrapods on all components .  They do help 