Mozart Fans Only

If you love Mozart as I (and Einstein)do, here's a great CD I just picked up. Boston Symphony Chamber Players - Chamber Music for Winds and Strings. A great selection of small-scale works. I highly recommend it for people just testing the waters of classical music. Very good playing and easy to listen to. Hybrid SACD, for those who have hi-rez players, but it will play on all CD players. Enjoy.
More about music - less about gear.]Mozart SACD
You know why? Ludwig Van. Shubert felt so inferior to Beethoven. He asked, and was, to be
buried next to him. Talk about low self esteem. Shit, if they only had Zanax back then, Franz would have been seeing the glass half full.
George Szell with the Cleveland Orchestra is a good interpreter of Mozart. Just picked up Symphonies 35, 40 and 41 on CD. The recordings are from the late 50's/ 60's. Well recorded.
'Mozart led a pretty rough life, and only wrote one piece in a minor key.'

Can you clarify about this minor key claim, Mozart wrote in a minor key much of the time, so this claim is puzzling to me. Whether he wrote in major or minor had little, if anything at all, to do with his personal life.
Although Mozart was broke most of the time, he typically had money coming in due to the self promotion of his concerts, his private commissions and his posts to the courts. He was employed nearly all of his life. Mozart was just notoriously bad at saving money but compared to his contemporaries, he did pretty well financially. What Mozart did suffer from was an insecurity of self image due to his having been scarred by small pox from an early age.