mundorf supreme caps vs m caps

hi, 'i am wondering if anyone out there has done side by side listening tests of these two caps , and what are the differences between them ? I am talking about coupling caps on an amplifire. thanks, chrissain
A jump up to the Silver Oil or Silver Gold Is well worth the extra money.
Have tried all the Mundorfs and have been very pleased. Have heard the Vcaps and they are good but the point of diminishing returns comes into play.
hi, thanks for your responses , my amps, came with mcaps as couplers, and I replaced them with mundorf supremes, and I think some things are better but there are some things that bother me, less butter in the mids , and some what darker presentation which I do not like. does this sound right ? the silver and golds are to big to fit in my amps. thanks, chris
if you mean value they are 2.2 uf 425vac 800vdc, the caps I replaced were 2.7 uf mcaps thanks, chris