Music I would succumb to under torture

A post on another topic was ...
viridian4,171 posts
I couldn’t listen to Diana Krall, or any of those other jazz lite vocalists that audiophile types listen to, on even the finest hi-fi, YMMV.

I would be useless in a war if captured.
If they played me Diana Krall, Sade or Frank Sinatra I would surrender and give them all the information they wanted! Just if they stopped playing that music and torturing me! I am having screaming habdabs just thinking about it ...
No succumbing needed, just don't listen to it if you don't like it.
Don't dwell on the negatives, utilize the positives.
first speakers, now this...what's next on our relentless tour of "The Worst Of"? - sigh

Perhaps I'm too focused on the positives of tragic flaw.
I was not commenting on different tastes and didn't mention good music. It was a question of what was awful to me ... so awful I would succumb ...
But as you mentioned it, modern music leaves me cold for a number of reasons. The rap stuff ranks high on the irritation stakes
Perhaps you could tell us what good music is, if not Diana Krall, Sade or Frank Sinatra? Jay-Z, Lady Gaga or 2 Chanz?