Music you found on Tidal

I am investigating Tidal and have earmarked my normal stuff and also a bunch of remastered stuff.  I was really blown away by a Phil Collins remaster I listened to.

What have you guys found?
I did an A/B test last weekend with a CD and Tidal.  Started both at the same time and switched back and forth.  Tidal was slightly clearer and more open.  As for their selection, I'm surprised at what is missing (Bob Seger) and also at what I found.  Some things I thought "no way" but it was there.  I would take inventory of what you have on CD and spend a few hours just searching Tidal.  It will only get better as time goes on.
Thanks Treebeard1.  Whoa Bob Seger is a big omission.  I am in the 30 day trial so I am really playing with it.  So far It seems worth the $20 to me.
@portlandlay I'm really enjoying it. Much more music available to me now. I'm sure the Bob Seger thing is due to contractual issues between Seger and Tidal. Would be interested to know if he's in Spotify.