Musical Concepts Modifications

Hello everyone. I posted a couple of weeks ago regarding upgrading an Adcom GFA 5802 amp. Amongst the fine suggestions I recieved was one from JB recommending that I explore the modification option. Since I am 92% happy with my systems' sound and don't want to go through the whole rebuilding phase again, I thought this made sense. I'm really just looking for a little more high-end extension/resolutuion and a little more transparency wouldn't hurt. I contacted John Hillig @ Musical Concepts and he thinks his Lx Sig Mod would do the trick. I'm just a little nervous about investing in something w/out hearing it first. Ironically, I listen to mostly prog rock and am also worried that the sound may be TOO refined for my taste. I'm wondering if any of you have gone this route, specifically with the 5802? Any info you can provide is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Matt......

Thank you for taking the time to post your follow-up story. I've never--ever--heard or read anything bad about John Hillig's mods at all. AND, he tells me that he owns Intuitive Design Summits!
I'll bet those M-200's sound unbelievable. A dealer by me uses a pair of them to audition speakers and the only reason I didn't buy a pair is that they sounded so similar to the 5802. With John's mods, I can only imagine. By the way, this modified 5802 now sounds better than the BAT monos I auditioned. Way more lower end slam. Thanks again for the recommendation. Matt.......

My M-200's sound absolutely KILLER.
That's why they remain here since I bought them new.
After John's mods were performed, anything in front or behind these amps is revealed.
Other amps I'm considering (if my B&K's ever quit) are a pair of
Channel Island D-200's.
I have also known John Hillig for over 25 years. John highly modified my Hafler DH200 and completely rebuilt my Hafler DH101 with his own board back in 1977. I don't think he had his Musical Designs yet at that time. He has come a long way. Yes, John uses the best parts available. I don't see his ads much anymore or even read his threads here on Audiogon. I guess he's a busy man. I enjoyed his modded products, but sold them all back early in my marriage when the family took priority over my hobby. I actually took a 15 year hiatus from being an audiophile. I took it up again 3 years ago after the kids left home to start their own families. I am more involved in audio now than ever before. Enjoy your newly modded products and enjoy the music.
John is building a brand new D-75B Signature for me as we speak. Can't wait..