Musical Fidelity's x10-v3 tube output buffer?

I have a Musical Fidelity a3.2 integrated amp and a3.2 cd player. I am using Paradigm studio 40 v.3 speakers. I have been considering adding M. F.'s x10-v3 line output buffer to get an even fuller sound. Has anyone used this component? Is it worth the $400 cost?
I haven't heard it, but I did hear the predecessor of it, the x-10D. That served to mess the sound. You are better off with modifying your cd player, buying a better interconnect (harmonich technology interconnects are normally helping you getting a fuller sound), or some vibration control devices.
I would change the MF inergrated,I think that is your week link.I own and enjoy the MF A3 24 bit cd player.GREAT stand alone player.No complains about it's sound.Then again I have a stronger pre/power amp.Never auditioned the x-10 buffer.I wouldn't spend money on such device either.Upgrade to a line stage and perhaps a tubed power amp.Conrad Johnson Mv 55 is a great amp that I use with my set-up.
Hope that helps.
I too tried the original 10XD and found that it only "smoothed" (i.e., veiled) the sound in my system. Maybe the new version is better. Dave
My experience of the new X-10v3 is very positive.
I think it is important to note at the outset that the results when used with the X-PSU (power supply) are several levels of excellence higher.
Without the X-PSU, the X-10 came across as sweet and smooth, wonderful for strident or slightly harsh CDs, but perhaps mellowing CDs that needed no such assistance. Female voice and flute seemed to benefit nicely. Transients however lost some bite. Soundstage doesn't seem to be affcted one way or the other.
However, with the X-PSU in place, the X-10 is in a different league altogether. Any "veiling" has vanished and the sound is as detailed as one could wish, but with a sweetness that is beguiling and as good as anything I have heard on CD. Absolutely lovely. and the soundstage really does snap into sharper focus and extends deeper.
As a combination, I would recommend the X-10 and X-PSU very strongly indeed. On it's own, I'm not so enthusiastic.
I have just purchased the X-DAC too. But after just a couple of days, I can't give a definitive opinion yet. Both the unit and the new digital cable need some break-in time. Let me say though, that the X-Ray player I'm using with the above units is a splendid performer in its own right, so any improvement should make it spectacular.