My Analog Journey - Opinions Sought

When I first started out in this hobby 10 years ago, my first source was a Bluesound Node 2. Eventually I upgraded to a Lumin T2 which was a nice step up in sound quality and I’ve been happy with it ever since.

Around 2021 or so I decided I want to explore the analog side of things. With the guidance of this forum, I settled on a Technics SL1210GR, AudioTechnica VM760SLC cart, and a Herron VTPH1 phono stage.

Somewhere along the line I decided that I preferred the convenience of streaming and there my turntable sat. Collecting dust as they say.

Fast forward to two weeks ago. I decided that maybe it was time to start letting some of this gear go that I’m not using. The Herron was first up on the chopping block, but something told me I better turn this thing on and make sure it still works.

So, I hooked everything up. Dropped on Everybody Digs Bill Evans, a recording with which I’m well familiar. Well, I almost cried at how good it sounded. <Insert all the flowery audiophile language here>. The background was blacker. The tone richer, more air and separation around the instruments within the soundstage, and the imaging is more precise.

The difference between my digital and analog rig could not be more apparent. I heard someone say on this forum that you need to spend much more on digital to obtain the same results as analog; or maybe it was the other way around?

I am absolutely hooked on vinyl right now and don’t see myself turning back. Although I do see myself looking into MC carts in the not so distance future.

Thanks to everyone on this forum that shares their knowledge so freely.
Comments welcome on future upgrades or anything else.....



I listen to streaming, CDs (got a new CD transport in the last year or so), and vinyl, and all of the formats, utilizing my well sorted system, sound astonishingly good. They don't compete with each other and seem to get along. I have lots of great CDs and vinyl collected for many decades with no desire to dump any of it to just stream...the gear doesn't care, the CDs and vinyl just sit and wait for me to listen to them and don't seem to mind my streaming (they're inanimate objects by the way), and it all provides music somehow...who knew?

+another for Hana ML. My ML/Pro-ject/Aria analog combo easily bests my Aurender/Qobuz/Qutest digital combo for about 2/3 the price. 

Thanks for sharing.  I think Going back to vinyl triggered your love for listening to vinyl.  I find different platforms can sound different depending on the source and setup.  I started with 45s, then 8 track, albums, cassettes, CDs and now streaming.  I find the portability and convenience factors matter the most to me.  On top of that streaming has me listening to new music and new to me old music for the price of a CD or album a month.  My main system now is the best I’ve ever had.  It’s amazing how good it sounds streaming whatever song I want to play.  I still play CDs for physical music but only stuff I can’t find online.  It’s a great time to love music and stereo equipment however you choose to listen.  Things members of this site appreciate and share.  

In my journey, I finally decided to stop selling gear that I liked but tired of and put back in the box. It costs nothing to keep it, it's properly stored so it doesn't go bad, and when the 'something different' bug bites me, I have gear on hand rather than adding more to the already long list of gear that has gone before. I will inevitably hook something up and think, "damn, I forgot how good that sounds." Besides, it's never a bad idea to have spares on hand.