I am struggling to identify a Phonostage as being the fundamental cause of the being able to notice a restriction to the Soundstage and Upper/Lower Frequencies.
The imagery is reported as a valuable trait, a Pencil Cabinet Speaker from a commercial design with a 20+year history will be all about the Imagery and Separation between the Speakers, a substantial Power Amp might get away with creating the impression of a expansion and leave the Speakers being perceived as expansive in their presentation.
A Bass Colour and Cabinet Reflection can easily subdue the upper frequencies, reigning these in and robbing the upper mid's and highs of being prominent as a projection.
I avoid overwhelming Bass for these, a clean tight fast decay Bass, is where I find a most desirable balance across all frequencies. If a little richness is desired hear after, there are simple ways to inject a little extra low end propping up.
Speaker Designs have moved on, as Drivers have become available to work much better with a Pencil Cabinet design, and the Cabinet Design is much more aligned to controlling resonances and are efficient at cancelling the transfer of resonance.
I do think there is a issue with your Speakers, I would look to keep the Phon' for a longer period and learn morew about its inherent properties for developing the sent signal.
I would see if it is possible to slot your Phon' into other systems, friends, forum members, retailer, and see what is the impression being picked up on when in use.
There might be a surprise, the system owner might suggest your own Phon' is a valuable addition to their system. It won't be the first time this has happened.
A Friend has a selection of Cabinet Speakers, occasionally there is a different pair in use in their quite familiar system, it is quite unreal how a well respected Pencil Floor Stander can sound quite anaemic and shut in, in comparison to a Stand Mount Speaker, which bring a realness of the performance into the room. Both a CD Source and Vinyl Source are able to show differences on how they effect the Speaker in use.
This isn't HiFi in the regular sense either, this is more like mixing things up a little, as the Speakers and Sources are available. The real HiFi experience is to happen when the ESL Speakers are taking pride of place.