I partially agree with what you’re saying in regards to in home demos. If the dealer has the product on hand and isn’t using it then he can drive it for an audition BUT if you’re asking me , should a dealer remove Wilson Alexx or boulder monos and hire 3-4 people for the job AND having to pay people for these logistics, i don’t agree that is fair for the dealer. Imagine if someone wanted my Alexx but i needed to take them to their home for audition and i had to pay for the work? It just wouldn’t happen...
Look, to be more transparent here, anyone looking for the boulders, chronosonic xvx, magico m6, and equipment of that caliber isn’t living paycheck to paycheck. If they want an in home demo of the ultra high end, a fee should be set if the customer doesn’t end up buying.
If any of us go to magnolia and order a pair of McIntosh 611 monos from them and then we return them, we lose a 15% restocking fee. Yes, i think that is ABSOLUTELY fair. It’s not like McIntosh will take back the 611 from Magnolia so now they got a pair of 611s sitting on the floor they gotta move.
When it comes to the insanity of some of these components (price wise), buyers who strictly focus on the ultra high end should compensate dealers if the dealer is making all sorts of accomodations for them.
Please note: I’m not talking about just listening to gear in the store but actually going the extra mile.
Unfortunately, this is frowned upon in this industry. However, it isn’t frowned upon when car dealers jack up the prices on cars because they are in high demand??? (Think corvette c8)
What’s even worse here is that cars or transportation in general is a necessity for most of us and audio isn’t a necessity PERIOD yet nobody says a thing about the atrocious things car dealers do AND get away with but we get mad if a dealer charges a fee for a service you are asking for ???
To me that is such a double standard...
I'll even be even MORE transparent with you all:
I had someone reach out to me several weeks ago via email and who i didn't know. They asked if they could hear my set up because they wanted to hear my Boulder set and after talking back and forth he said that he wanted to hear them because he had a dealer who was selling him a set but they weren't local....
So Jay's head goes like:
"Sooooo you want me to bring you into my home, i don't know you, we are in the middle of a pandemic, risk the health of my wife, my kid, in laws and mine and what am I getting out of this???? Nada ??? "
Not going to happen...
It's just ridiculous because we could have put a dollar figure (let's say $500 dollars for whatever amount of time he needed here) and then if he doesn't like the sound or isn't to his liking then guess what???? He only lost 500 HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!!
Could you imagine the loses he would incur if he had bought it and didn't like it??? It's THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS PEOPLE!!
I URGE MANY OF YOU to think about the benefits that exist when you have the opportunity to hear something that isn't cheap for you to buy. It's better to lose pocket change auditioning than to lose massive amounts of money when you have to dump it.
I partially agree with what you’re saying in regards to in home demos. If the dealer has the product on hand and isn’t using it then he can drive it for an audition BUT if you’re asking me , should a dealer remove Wilson Alexx or boulder monos and hire 3-4 people for the job AND having to pay people for these logistics, i don’t agree that is fair for the dealer. Imagine if someone wanted my Alexx but i needed to take them to their home for audition and i had to pay for the work? It just wouldn’t happen...
Look, to be more transparent here, anyone looking for the boulders, chronosonic xvx, magico m6, and equipment of that caliber isn’t living paycheck to paycheck. If they want an in home demo of the ultra high end, a fee should be set if the customer doesn’t end up buying.
If any of us go to magnolia and order a pair of McIntosh 611 monos from them and then we return them, we lose a 15% restocking fee. Yes, i think that is ABSOLUTELY fair. It’s not like McIntosh will take back the 611 from Magnolia so now they got a pair of 611s sitting on the floor they gotta move.
When it comes to the insanity of some of these components (price wise), buyers who strictly focus on the ultra high end should compensate dealers if the dealer is making all sorts of accomodations for them.
Please note: I’m not talking about just listening to gear in the store but actually going the extra mile.
Unfortunately, this is frowned upon in this industry. However, it isn’t frowned upon when car dealers jack up the prices on cars because they are in high demand??? (Think corvette c8)
What’s even worse here is that cars or transportation in general is a necessity for most of us and audio isn’t a necessity PERIOD yet nobody says a thing about the atrocious things car dealers do AND get away with but we get mad if a dealer charges a fee for a service you are asking for ???
To me that is such a double standard...
I'll even be even MORE transparent with you all:
I had someone reach out to me several weeks ago via email and who i didn't know. They asked if they could hear my set up because they wanted to hear my Boulder set and after talking back and forth he said that he wanted to hear them because he had a dealer who was selling him a set but they weren't local....
So Jay's head goes like:
"Sooooo you want me to bring you into my home, i don't know you, we are in the middle of a pandemic, risk the health of my wife, my kid, in laws and mine and what am I getting out of this???? Nada ??? "
Not going to happen...
It's just ridiculous because we could have put a dollar figure (let's say $500 dollars for whatever amount of time he needed here) and then if he doesn't like the sound or isn't to his liking then guess what???? He only lost 500 HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!!
Could you imagine the loses he would incur if he had bought it and didn't like it??? It's THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS PEOPLE!!
I URGE MANY OF YOU to think about the benefits that exist when you have the opportunity to hear something that isn't cheap for you to buy. It's better to lose pocket change auditioning than to lose massive amounts of money when you have to dump it.