I respect your pro experience in working with the well known musicians. But you may not be aware of my 60 year experience as an accomplished violinist. Believe me, we BOTH understand. Neither of our experiences are any more valid than the others'--they are complementary. But I encourage anyone to just listen to the random sounds of nature as I did with the little girl banging her metal stuff. The few seconds of listening to this teach people much more than going to audio shows listening to mostly mediocre high priced equipment that doesn't sound any more real than some modestly priced equipment. The concertgoer who sits 100 feet away is not hearing most of the sound from the 1st row where the main microphones are near. This concertgoer could learn a lot from that little girl.
Again, your claim that I listen to midfi equipment is false because you have not heard my stuff. It is midfi in cost, but not in performance. Until you get over the myth that only expensive equals SOTA performance, there is nothing more to say. You have not heard my particular Bryston 2.5B SST2, Mytek Brooklyn Amp, Rane EQ properly used. Most important, you have not heard my Audiostatic 240 electrostatics enhanced with Enigmacoustics Sopranino tweeter. For clarity and transparency, they beat any current expensive speaker available today. Only the original Quad 57 rivals it for midrange clarity. But perhaps you don't value clarity as much as I do, and listen for big scale dynamics of other music, where my speakers have limitations.
I respect your pro experience in working with the well known musicians. But you may not be aware of my 60 year experience as an accomplished violinist. Believe me, we BOTH understand. Neither of our experiences are any more valid than the others'--they are complementary. But I encourage anyone to just listen to the random sounds of nature as I did with the little girl banging her metal stuff. The few seconds of listening to this teach people much more than going to audio shows listening to mostly mediocre high priced equipment that doesn't sound any more real than some modestly priced equipment. The concertgoer who sits 100 feet away is not hearing most of the sound from the 1st row where the main microphones are near. This concertgoer could learn a lot from that little girl.
Again, your claim that I listen to midfi equipment is false because you have not heard my stuff. It is midfi in cost, but not in performance. Until you get over the myth that only expensive equals SOTA performance, there is nothing more to say. You have not heard my particular Bryston 2.5B SST2, Mytek Brooklyn Amp, Rane EQ properly used. Most important, you have not heard my Audiostatic 240 electrostatics enhanced with Enigmacoustics Sopranino tweeter. For clarity and transparency, they beat any current expensive speaker available today. Only the original Quad 57 rivals it for midrange clarity. But perhaps you don't value clarity as much as I do, and listen for big scale dynamics of other music, where my speakers have limitations.