My Mark Levinson system help

I own a 335 a 38 a theta miles & a pair of martin logan sl3s. I want to buy the 39 would my system sound better running the 39 direct into the 335. Or should I keep the 38 with the 39. Email me with any input thanks I think the 39 direct is the way to go..

I currently own a ML335, ML380S, RA55, Dunlavy SCIV, PS Audio 600 in the same system. I had a ML332, and tried a ML38, ML38S before the ML380S. I have run the RA 55 directly into the ML332 and ML335 as well as through each of the pre-amps.

I found that the RA55 loses detail and dynamics without the preamp. I thought the ML38 was worthless in the system. I bought it to upgrade to the ML380S($2650).
Running the CD thought the ML38 was worse than nothing. The ML38S was slightly better and the ML380S was clearly better.

The real issue appears to be the voltage output of the 39 which I believe is 5 volts vs 16 volts for the 380S.

I was hoping I wouldn't like the ML380S because I figured I save $4000+ by reselling it. Didn't work out as planned.

Good luck.

Bill Eichengrun
Thank you for the input. I disagree with paul the wadia gear is good but not as sweet sounding as the 39. The sony doesnt even compare to the levinson it sounds great when you put a sacd in but when you put a regular cd in its a sony.come on thats a no brainer. as far as the goldmund I never tried but I hear the levinson is better. MY QUESTION IS WILL MY SYSTEM SOUND BETTER WITH JUST THE 39 OR SHOULD I RUN THE 39 DIRECT????? From what I understand is once you own the 39 you are at the point of diminishing returns. Adn I hear the 39 is much better than my Theta Miles? Is it??
I would run the 39 directly into your amp. I believe it has a better front end than your Theta Miles which is also very good by the way.
the 39 is very good as a cd player and pre amp. I have a39 and 360s going thru a 32 to either krell 600c or vtl1250 wotans or levinson 33 amps speakers are ml statement evolution2 s . I also run rel studio2 sub systems. all interconnects and speaker cables are world class. preference is a matter of taste so i wont disclose what i prefer since everybody has their own favorite, as far as theta miles good but the 39 will kill it a b yourself will only take a second to tell the difference. I have now gone to a reference levinson front end 30.6 31.6 marginally better than my 39 360s . when i ran my 39 direct thru my amps and again thru pre amp only gained a little performancewhen going into the pre amp but not worth all the extra cash for cables etc unless your just nsane like me . enjoy the music thats what its all about. mike
I have listened to the 39 run directly to levinson 27 amps to SL3s. It sounds excellent. The 39 keeps the volume control in the analog domain unlike many digital processors that do the volume control in the digital domain. In the digital domain bits are cut off to control the volume and the result affects not only the volume but the quality of signal. Levinson did it right by keeping it in the analog domain. If you do not need additional inputs, run it directly. If you do need additional inputs you will probably want to upgrade your 38 to a 380S. I had a 38S and upgraded it--it is a huge difference in transparancy.