My most remarkable service experience ever.

This is probably the most remarkable service I ever got, so I thought I should share it with all of you.

I bought a second hand PS Audio DirectStream DAC here on A’gon and it was slightly damaged in shipping. The internal packing insert failed, and one of the corners was chipped. I thought about purchasing the piece and install it myself, but even though it is at no fault of their own, PS Audio told me:
If you cover the shipping of the unit to me and the cost of parts. We would be able to update these parts as well as cover the shipping back to you.
This is no small deal as you practically have to take the unit completely apart to replace that corner piece, but wait, it gets even better…

My correspondence with the original customer relation manager somehow got lost when he left his job and was replaced. I waited for a reply regarding shipping of the unit to them which never came. At that point, I also had a minor issue with my PerfectWave Transport, and a concern about my P5 power re-generator, so I asked about servicing those units as well. I wrote PS Audio again and received the following response:
Hi Ami, I’m the new customer service manager here at PS Audio. Thank you for the very detailed email and the sorted action items. Let’s get your problems solved.
1.     I am going to create a new RMA for each of your products.
2.     Because you have been so patient with working with us during our transition and because you have been so organized with your needs I am going to process your repairs under warranty at no charge to you.
Unbelievably, the did the following:
  • They sent me new shipping boxes, complete with new original packing materials and prepaid shipping labels for all 3 units free of charge. Remind you, these are large, heavy units in even larger double boxes…
  • They serviced all 3 units at no cost, replaced several components of the transport, and the damaged DAC piece. They also polished the top marble-like panel of all 3 units to as-new condition. I think they replaced the DAC’s clear screen cover. It looks new
  • They shipped all 3 units back to me at no cost within a couple of weeks.
Thank you PS Audio and Mr. Jeremy Bretey, customer relations manager. I wish more manufacturers will learn from how to treat their customers with service above and beyond the norm.
Your products sound amazing, probably the best of their kind, and your service quality manages to even surpass it.
You have me as a proud and loyal customer forever.

I also have some horror stories to share with service I got from other manufacturers, but I thought I’ll make this a happy thread, and perhaps keep the bad experiences for another time.

Do you have similar good stories to share?

Excellent to hear about PS Audio. I have also had stellar service for Von Schweikert Audio, Ayon, and Nuforce/Nuprime
I wish I had been as fortunate as you, Ami.  My only PS Audio purchase was a Quintet.  First, the unit failed, and PS Audio sent, free of charge, a new power block (the replaceable a/c input unit).  Then, two of the five outlet sets failed, out of warranty.  PS Audio offered to repair it for free, which was nice of them, but I had to cover shipping to PS Audio.  That was expensive due to the wieght of the Quintet.  It was returned functioning properly, only to have the same two outlet sets fail again about 2 months later.  I decided not to go through the expense of returning it a second time.  I went with another power filter brand, which has been trouble-free for about three years now.  I use the workign outlets on the Quintet for less critical gear.  The customer service was good, but I have concerns about quality control and product durability.  YMMV, of course. 
Nice to hear Ami.
PS Audio is customer driven to the nines...I am a member of their forums and you can see it every day... in the way Paul and company talk the talk... and walk the walk... I’m a very happy DS and PWT owner...And the sound quality these two make together... are nothing less than superb!!!
I've had a similar albeit much smaller experience with PS Audio and was very pleased indeed with their Cust Svc.  Other companies could take a page out of their playbook...

I sold my DS last month after purchasing Lampizator Golden Gate Balanced. Well, I should say, one of their dealer in UK, Mark Coles of Sablon Audio, is a great man with great customer service. 

He provided all information clearly before I decided to purchase and even after I got the product. He is still in very close contact with me, asking how it was running in, what other things to purchase (not from him) but would surely make additional improvement.

We started out as customer and dealer relationship and end up as friends. :)