My Snubway and Main Stream Master Class Combo Review

I must admit I am a sucker for tweaks.

I have owned and tried so many. I have always admired those who think outside the “box”. Some of these items were great, some maybe? And then some were just a “swing and a miss”.

I have communicated with Mark through the years and have used several of his products. So, I ventured into the Vera-fi Audio filters that many of you have expressed that you have liked. That is specifically; the Snubway and the Main Stream filters. I’m not sure if that is the appropriate category but I think that is what they do.

When I first received them, I tried them on my Audio dedicated AC line. First listen, the music sounded louder and more in my face. I was concerned that perhaps they were too much for my already “clean” audio system.

I then moved them to my dedicated Video AC line. On this line, I have an AudioQuest 1200 conditioner, an 85” Samsung TV/LED, Oppo 205, Satellite Dish, Apple TV and a 7 channel Outlaw amp. And I also had a Puron filter. When I first viewed this Video system with the filter combo now in use, boy, was I impressed! I watched a few pre-season NFL live games and the image was fantastic! So clean, immersive, with deep contrast, and deep colors. I knew these units would be a permanent part of this system.

So today, again, I tried that combo on my Audio Dedicated line. On this line is my AudioQuest 7000, Lumin X1, and 2 Michi 8 power amps. But now this time I did not get the image overload, perhaps these take some time to burn/break in. I will let these units percolate for a few days before I pass additional comments. But… I did order another set of them.




Mark, I appreciate your feedback and am willing to give Graphene a whirl.  Will contact you privately.


I’ve had a mainstream, two of them actually, for a while and was using them on my tv with great success and now have moved them to the audio rig and just received a snubway last week. While still playing around with placement I’ve noticed the snubway does not light up when plugged in like the puron and mainstream. Just wondering if this is how the snubway is compared to the others.