My speakers don't "dissapear"

Equipment used: Krell 400xi, Krell DVD Standard, Focal Utopia Mico Be's.

I have had my system for a couple months now. I have tweaked and moved and adjusted (even rearranged my living room) to get the speakers to image and "disappear" but no luck. No matter what I do, I can clearly tell the sound is coming from the speakers, no soundstage.

Will more burn in help? I only have about 40 hrs on the equipment in it's current state.
Okay, this is just a guess...

It looks to me like there's a double diffractive edge below the tweeter, formed by the horizontal slot on the front baffle. The ear might be picking up this diffraction as a secondary sound source with a seriously skewed spectrum, as it will occur within the critical .68 millisecond time window between the arrival of the first sound and the kicking-in of the precedence effect.

You might try stuffing something absorptive into that slot, like a thin slice of foam, or otherwise smoothing it over (maybe just a piece of masking tape would help - or better yet duct tape, for that macho look). While you're at it, tape a piece of foam or felt or something along the top edge above the tweeter as well. The sides of the cabinet look like they're nicely radiused, so I don't think they're an issue.

If this helps, you might consider going all the way and contacting Jim Goulding at, as his felt tweeter surrounds work quite well (they received a Golden Ear Award from TAS a couple of months ago).

If this doesn't help, I have another idea but its implications are more expensive.

I note that we have not heard from the OP since his first post. We have no idea of the specifics of his listening space, for example. He should provide more details.
You might try stuffing something absorptive into that slot, like a thin slice of foam, or otherwise smoothing it over (maybe just a piece of masking tape would help - or better yet duct tape, for that macho look)

I wondered about that - it is an extremely odd design - like an acoustic "notch" filter at a specific frequency - I wondered if it is deliberately designed to reduce ringing from the metal tweeter....perhaps tuned at a specific frequency based on the depth - just like a tube trap or resonator only very small....
22 posts in one day! wow.

I read thru all the posts and a few of them stood out:

1. Yes I have the speakers on either side of a plasta TV, but the speakers are about a foot in front of the TV stand.

2. Yes, I have a coffee table. A big one too. Rug under it, tile floor everywhere else. No wall treatments (we rent).

3. PS Audio P500 regenerator for DVD Standard. Balanced power transformer for KAV-400xi (1000VA).

4. Nordost Shiva PC's. Quattro fil balanced IC's. Red Dawn speaker cables.

5. 9 foot ceilings, stereo and tv is diagonally set up. Speakers are firing into an open space. Non parallel walls.

6. Speaker phase is correct. System sounds fantastic, but the speakers don't quite dissapear.

7. Speakers toed in at the moment. Will listen to them aimed straight and with slight toe in.

I'll start with speaker placement and more burn in time. The speakers sounded great in the showroom (Sound by Singer, NYC), but in my house (I live in Cyprus, 3rd largest island in the Mediterranean) it seems a little off. The living room is rather "live" so I should probably look into room treatments as well.