My Teres 350 is on the way

It's been quite a wait (ordered in January 2006), but I got the word yesterday that my new Teres 350 is packed up and ready to ship!

It's the first 350 that Chris has produced and features a new magnetic damped platter. It's sort of a hybrid between the 340 and 360, but with some of the new technology that was developed for the Certus line of direct drive tables.

Of course, the Schroeder Reference SQ is still on order...

Can't wait to get it set up!

Thank you, Mr. Schroeder for your response. I'm sure you have better things to with your time than respond to my posts on A'gon. I was only responding to what I heard from other posters about responsiveness issues and I'm glad for all concerned that you set the record straight regarding your commitment to customer service - NOW GET BACK TO WORK! ;)

Seriously, however, I work as a business strategy consultant in the financial services industry. My observations reflect that fact that I have seen companies with fantastic products take their customers for granted only to see them flee the minute a competitor came along with a comparable product and better service. Innovation attracts new customers, service makes the innovation sustainable and I am pleased to hear you have a commitment to it.

As for production levels, obviously moving production to China is not the answer. Is there any answer short of cloning Frank Schroeder? It seems you may not be interested in being bigger even though you have the demand that many entrepreneurs would die for. That's you decision. But quality need not be completely compromised for the sake of improving productivity as I think many fine audio and non-audio companies have demonstrated.

Alles Besten und Froeliche Weihnachten,
Bob Mueller
Just to support Frank, I ordered my Schroeder thru Thom at Galibier and recieved excellent communication from both of them. I tried not to bother Frank much, out of respect for everyone else who was waiting too, but when I did he was always quick to reply. Also, I have had numerous problems with another manufacturer trying to get emails to work and in the end we have resorted to phone calls because niether of us can figure out why our computers seem to dislike eachother:-). Sometimes you gotta go with what works.

BTW, I am willing to be a Frank Schroeder clone if that job is available!

Hi guys,
Thanks for the kind words. I actually started to "train" friends that were out of a job twice. One architect and model builder, the other a master piano maker. I spent about three months before either was able to make a usable part. And each time, After another month they got a job offer and went back to their old job(can you say deja vu?). Can't blame them, they have a family to support and I can't afford to pay as much as they're making now.
But it's not as if there are thousands of retired watchmakers out there, waiting to make a few bucks/Euros on the side.
And I am currently training yet another candidate. If that one takes off, I'll just bag the whole idea...

Back to the bench(I left it 4.15 a.m. this morning :-()

A relaxing holiday season to all of you,
