My tube amp power supply is buzzing away Help

My tube amp - Mcalister Audio has an outboard power supply that buzzes quite loud. Not through the speakers, but the unit itself makes a buzzing noise I can hear 15 feet back - very obvious.

I have read there is some material you can buy to place under the transformer to help. The transformer does not seem well mounted - kind of lose. Can anyone tell me the name of the anti-vibration stuff and where to buy it. I think I am going to tweak it before calling the manu to replace.


Scompracer, I did the mod the exact way you outlined and the results were fantastic. Wow! Most pleased. I am going to do the same thing for the transformer in my Powervar line conditioner as it also makes some noise.
Hi Grannyring,

I'm glad the fix worked out for you too. I had expressed my comments about Peter's amp in this thread and still feel the same way about it.
I am waiting for a custom tube pre amp from him and expect it to be shipped shortly.
2019, great thread. I will try this on an outboard power supply for my PreAmp.