I don't get the NAIM thing. I want too though. I know they have a loyal following and have been critically reviewed but like another poster above, you don't seem to get a lot for your money.
For value, the NAD 375 offers the most. It is Stereophile Class B rated and almost made Class A. If that means anything. This is also an amp you can comfortably drive the B&W's with, or any other speakers you may get some day. I also like the Creek 5350. Finally, I would also recommend a hard look at the Marantz PM8004. At only 1K list, this is an outstanding high current integrated not afraid to list meaningful specs - 70 wpc/8 ohm, 100 wpc/4 ohm, >25 amps per channel peak current, >100 dampng factor. I have heard his amp with some very high end speakers (up to 8 times the cost of the Marantz) and it is truly impressive for the money. Hope this helps.
For value, the NAD 375 offers the most. It is Stereophile Class B rated and almost made Class A. If that means anything. This is also an amp you can comfortably drive the B&W's with, or any other speakers you may get some day. I also like the Creek 5350. Finally, I would also recommend a hard look at the Marantz PM8004. At only 1K list, this is an outstanding high current integrated not afraid to list meaningful specs - 70 wpc/8 ohm, 100 wpc/4 ohm, >25 amps per channel peak current, >100 dampng factor. I have heard his amp with some very high end speakers (up to 8 times the cost of the Marantz) and it is truly impressive for the money. Hope this helps.