NAD M55 Display brightness

I recently purchased a NAD M55, from 12 feet away the display is very hard to read and a friend also said the same, is it just me or is this the nature of the beast? I do not want it to be blinding, but I would like to be able to read the track and the time.
Did you buy the NAD to be used as a player or to look at the display ?
No! But it would be nice to see what track is playing or time on a DVD, or why would you need a display!

How far do you think you should sit and still see the display ?
Funny you ask, Not in the middle of my living room. I can read the display on my NAD Pre/Pro even on the dim setting, along with all my other equipment.

I asked this question to see if maybe there was a problem with my units display, I think it is just the type and color of the display.

Thank you for your reply, I appreciate the input since I am at least 80 miles from nearest NAD dealer, I did like the unit except for the display.