NAD vs. Cambridge Audio

I've been researching an integrated amp for my Studio-20s and am thinking NAD or Cambridge Audio. I like the CA 650A but the NAD C355bee
has gotten very good press too. I am looking for something in the 60-90w/ch range.
How does NAD and CA compare in terms of sound quality?
Build quality, reliability?
I like the look and layout of the CA but NAD has a good rep. Sound quality will be priority.

This is for stereo, music only.


Interesting to hear your response but you discussed cdps and the subject is on the amps.

As this entire posting reveals, it's all about synergy. The best sounding amps and/or cdps is the one you like in your system, in your room, and w/ your ears. Others may differ.
I understand your point.
The point is exactly as you have said, "synergy." And amps and cd players made by the same manufacturer will typically complement each other to the point that, where the amp is weak, the cd player is strong, and vice versa.
And I believe I mentioned Arcam, Goldmund and Cambridge amps, if you re-read my post. I also pointed out a review of the Cambridge on, TAS' website. It can be a resource for the original poster. And, I did point out I had just purchased an NAD integrated. I'm familiar with Cambridge's sound synergy between their amps and cd players: I'll say it again. The CD player will be slightly laid back, the amp slightly aggressive up top. Having owned both, it is germaine to the subject to point out, as you yourself brought up, the synergy of systems.
You castigated another poster for not having heard both: that doesn't hold true in my case. What I didn't state clearly enough is that, while I did HEAR the (Cambridge) amp, I didn't BUY the amp, only the CD player. I"m sure there are others who've heard the amp longer than I did, and I would defer to their more extended experience. I don't think 3 days is enough to hear everything that is going on: otherwise, reviewers could write a review in 3 days!
However, when I, personally, say I have "experience," I don't mean in a store, where I have no control over the room, electrical outlets, line conditioners or electronics or speakers - or anything else, for that matter. I take home, and listen over the course of a weekend, to a component. MOre likely, I also mean "I bought the unit." (But not the amp, in this case). I didn't hear the amp as long as the CD player obviously, but I remember its sound.
Sorry for the confusion: I could have stated it more clearly.
Sorry you misunderstood me. I've been in this hobby a long time I find that synergy is paramount wether a product succeeds or fails. That is all I'm more, no less.

Though I have have a modest system currently that I use a CA amp in, I find none of the brightness and lack of bass you describe in my system. I find the CA640 v2 wonderfully musical and peppy. (excellent synergy) You find the same with your NAD. Superb!

As far as the other individual you assumed one is better w/o out hearing has no credentials, and I stand by my comment.
Im sure you have more experience with the amp, as you've lived with it longer. I was referring to the CD player's bass, which, as Harley pointed out in his review, was not its greatest strength. He did allow that, in balanced mode, it gained in that area.