Naim Audio system owners - What speakers are you using with Naim?

Asking for a friend, seriously. Ha!

I recommended Harbeth 30.2, Revel Studio2, possibly B&W or Fyne Audio.

Any other models? Looking for both stand mount and floor standing speakers.
A friend of mine uses Vandersteen Treo CT's with Naim Uniti-Atom. Match made in heaven. IMHO. You can use higher powered Naims besides the Uniti-Atom which is 40 WPC. But the little Atom will power the Vandersteens to quite respectable levels. The thing is, Naim can really make them sing.
Back in the old days I believe Linn/Naim Ivor Tifenbrun and Julian Veriker were in cahoots.
If you had Linn Isobaric speakers (an over damped design Q.3) you used the Naim 250 that had poor damping factor 8 for memory, both compliment each other to sound just right in the bass.

But if you dared to put a big Krell on the Isobrarics the bass was way to tight and missing in action, who would have thought a Krell that can’t do bass???.
This was how Linn/Naim cornered the market in Australia in the 80-90’s and they sold stacks of the combos, because no other speaker or no other amp sounded right with either of them. Don’t think it’s the same today, they don’t seem to love each other so much.

Cheers George

Thank you George. Very interesting background information. I do know that there seems to be some natural combinations for amp and speaker choices. I didn’t know about that one. 

Thank you mr_m, I bet that’s a great combo as well. Probably thinking Supernait2/3 and above depending on final speakers chosen.
In my main reference setup I’m using the Magico M6 paired with the Naim Statement NAP S1 monoblock amps & Naim Statement NAC S1 linestage analog preamp. They sounded fabulous together.

In my bedroom setup I have the Naim Uniti Nova paired with a pair of PMC standmount speakers. Match made in heaven. Prior to the PMC, I had the Naim Uniti Nova paired with the B&W 805 D3 standmount and the Sonus Faber Olympica l standmount speakers and they sounded fantastic together too. Out of these 3 different sets of speakers paired with the Naim Uniti Nova, the PMC have the best synergy with the Uniti Nova, then followed by the B&W 805 D3, then lastly the Sonus Faber Olympica l standmount. 

In general, Naim electronics will pair well with PMC, Harbeth, Spendor, Magico, B&W among others. What kind of Naim electronics do you have? I’m a big fan of Naim.

FYI, Naim has its own community forum and I suggest you join the Naim forum at

Wow! Thank you so much. What an awesome system.

I personally have a Supernait2 with HiCap-dr. I absolutely love it. I hope to move up the line, maybe a NAP250 or 300.

One friend is considering a full 500 system with his B&W 800D3. I’m pushing for Naim. I realize that some B&W’s can dip down to a 1.1 ohm load which can be difficult for a lot of amps.

Another friend and I were talking about what speakers pair well with Naim. I posted here for another perspective. I’m also a Naim forum member and will be curious what recommendations they give.

 Thank you.