Naim Audio system owners - What speakers are you using with Naim?

Asking for a friend, seriously. Ha!

I recommended Harbeth 30.2, Revel Studio2, possibly B&W or Fyne Audio.

Any other models? Looking for both stand mount and floor standing speakers.
 @mr_m It may have been the wine !

seriously the newer NAIM gear is very neutral, musical and well engineered. I have so far run Thiel’s, Vandersteen, Totem, Klipsch on them to happy results.
Kudos, Neat, Dynaudio, Proac ,Rega would be were I would start. Speakers are difficult because your room is really the master of them. I have used Naim for over 30 years and have used all of the above at one time or another to great effect. Usually, Dynaudio may be the exception, a speaker with a benign load of 6-8 ohms seem to work best with Naim imo. Good luck...speakers can be a long road.
In my bedroom system I have a Naim Uniti Star driving a pair of Zu Audio Dirty Weekend floor standers with Cardas Parsec Speaker cables. Power managed by Shunyata Venom PS8, Defender and Venom HC Power Cable. Streaming Roon. Great little system. Plenty of power from the Uniti Star driving the super sensitive/efficient Zu DW Speakers. I am very happy with this setup.