@akg_ca - yup, NAIM is famous for its propagamda !!!
NAIM recommends only NAIM’s own cables as a preferred pairing.
This is part of the "NAIM Culture" and those on the NAIM forums adhere to this practice without question. It allows NAIM to sell amp upgrades to their customers
I on the other hand could not believe this to be the case and I have tried many different speaker cables without any issues, but I knew not to select high capacitance cables
BTW when I talk about high capacitance I am talking of those cables in excess of 450pf/ft and thats is normally on their TOTL Cardas Clear speaker cables - That’s 4,500 pf for a 10 ft cable
Most brands do not even reach 1000 pf for a 10 ft cable and my own Helix Cables are around 100pf for an 8ft cable
Also high capacitance is NOT an issue for Tube amps - only High Current Solid State designs
One aquaintance suffered two "burnouts" while using top of the line Cardas Speaker cables and high end amps (Gryphon and Ayre). Even the technician he had repair them had not even heard of this problem.
I tried Naim cables (interconnects) and they were at best mediocre compared to the others I tried.
So if you own NAIM gear and are using NAIM cables, then try some other brands such as those I mentioned above.
Another great cable with NAIM gear is KLE Innovations.- well worth the investment.
Regards - Steve