Naim/Linn/Arcam to match Proac response 1sc?

A novice needs experts' advice on chossing an amp to drive Proac response 1sc.

I have been looking at (all used)

- Linn Classik music
- Linn Majik i
- Naim Nait 5i
- Arcam AVR300
- Arcam A85

but can't really decide. It doesn't really have to be multi-channel since I will only hook up my DVD player to external input. What would you go with?

I prefer crisp, clear midrange and fast-responses. That is also why I chose Proac response 1sc.

Thanks in advance.
Agreed with doanhnhan2000, small amp for big sound at the low cost. I have many friends here using it with good review. Naim is good too but high price.
Go with Naim. I have owned older Arcams and listened to the Naim XS. If you want crisp sound, fast transients, and good pace and timing, the Naim will give you that. There are many users who love the the musicality of Arcams. The Arcams will be soft-sounding in comparison with reduced macrodynamics. I never liked the Arcam sound, just not to my taste but they can sound good in the right system. No experience with Linn.

For Proac 1sc you might want to consider tubes. Read that the 1sc sounds fabulous with tubes.
Primare series ingrated amps
will work great and Proac uses these electronics at the Hi fi trade shows.
Cheers Johnnyr