Nautilus 800 Vs Wilson Audio VI Vs LM Labs Utopia

I currently own B & W Nautilus 803's and wanting a change to get very high end speakers and I am willing to spend $10K for used/demo. I am considering the Wilson Audio Watt/Puppy 6.0, JM Labs Utopias and B&W nautilus 800s. What do you guys think of these three? I like Rock , Jazz and some light classical music. I havd not decided on the amplifier yet but input on "speaker + amplifier" combination for each of the speakers would be greatly appreciated.
Although I do not sell any of the speakers you mention, I have to say I recommend you go with the Wilson WP6's.

All of the speakers you mention require quite a bit of power to really make them sing.

I would also suggest you delve a bit into other speakers that are not so mainstream.
I prefer the W/P 6's over the other 2. They are a steal right now on the used market. Add a Wilson Watch Dog and you will be in audio heaven. A updated Watch Dog is coming soon.
Is there a reason you have not listed any planars in your considerations? Given your musical tastes, Maggies, Martin Logans, Innersound and Sound Lab all offer solutions which might suit your tastes.