Need help determining next upgrade - 3rd ATTEMPT

Hello, my third attempt in 3 days to get this thread started. My system sounds a little smeared when playing complex musical passages, I'd like to have more detail and separation. Consider the sound of a full orchestra or even the crescendos in the works of Explosions in the Sky. I blame either the pre-amp or amp for this. Seeking suggestions for upgrades in these areas.
Pre-amp: Halo P5, McCormack RLD-1, ??? (must have remote)
amp: Parasound A-21, Odyssey Stratos, ???
Check out my system link and let me know what you think.
Good power conditioning will give you a blacker background, resulting in increased separation and air around the instruments.
Have you tried a little toe-in, on your speakers? Do you have anything on the side walls & ceiling, to combat reflections? (
I had midrange "congestion" issues with a pair of Vienna Bach speakers that mystified and bugged the bejeesus out of me...just a lack of clarity. In any case, it was out the door for them and in the door came a pair of Silverline Preludes that utterly showed it was the Vienna's fault (could have been a component in the crossover simply needing replacement)...with an issue as obvious as that I doubt power conditioning would help much as often the effects of un-conditioned AC are obviated by the time it gets through an amp, so get thee to a new speaker.