need help on transparent sounding 12au7 tubes


I'm currently using NOS RCA clear top 12au7 in my Audio Valve Eklipse preamp. Looking for a 12au7 that's more transparent, detailed, maybe higher resolution to try with this preamp. Not looking for a tubey sound. Thanks.
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I agree with Mofimadness and Tvad. I've tried many different combinations of 12au7s and 12ax7s in the 9 pin sockets of my Air Tight ATM-3 amps. I keep coming back to those airy, easy, musical Mullard cv4003(12au7) boxplates. In conjunction with the transparent sounding Ei Yugo pre-war 12ax7 smooth longplates, (made by the Yugoslavs with the Telefunken equipment and supplies they had puchased from Germany),they provide a wonderful sound synergy. I get essentially the same enjoyable results with the Yugos OR the German made Teles, but the Yugos are considerably less expensive.
RFT from I have had very good luck with the RFT "fats". They are a nice inexpensive alternative. I use a hypex based power amp and the combo of tube with "class d" gives me a sound that is both warm and highly detailed.
Try Sylvania nos marked Baldwin organ from the early sixties, just picked up a pair on ebay for $6.00. I like these better than any other I have tried.