Need help to know the value of these items

Hello everyone. I'm portuguese and I got this sound system inheritance. There are elements that I know the brand, others not. So I wonder if there is anyone who can help me.
garrard 301 with tonearm tabriz with a audio-technica cartridge.
3 Russ L (????) tubes amplifiers, one with 2 tangos transformers.
Final speakers.
Pre-amp  Sugden au.41.
best regards.
César Fernandes 

PS: sorry this is a translation made by google maybe doesn't even make sense.

The Tabriz was produced over time in a couple of versions in which the oscillating or fixed counterweight was changed.
Prices vary depending on the mechanical and aesthetic conditions from a minimum of 350€ to a maximum of 450/500€ if provided with original box, owner manual and accessories
For a more precise evaluation, it is better to see on ebay if you find what prices have been sold.
The Garrard 301 has an identification plate in the front middle under the tone control that will tell you it's either a schedule No. 51400/1 or 51400/2.  The 1 indicates that it was manufactured as a "greased bearing" (earliest model) and the 2 indicates that it's an "oiled" bearing model.  The oiled bearing table was produced later than the greased bearing models.. 
Cesar, I realize we are not using your native language, but I specifically asked about the plinth, and "asmith99" re-enforced my other question: grease-bearing or oil-bearing?  (The word "plinth" in English means the base or the substructure into which the turntable chassis fitted.  Typically, it's there to add mass and to dampen resonances generated by operation of the motor.  Good plinths can be expensive and make a huge difference in performance and value.)  There is no need to convey this information to me; I am no expert on the latest values of a Garrard 301, but many others who read these threads do have such expertise.  Also, you need to use those added details when you inquire elsewhere about resale value.
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