Need inexpensive amp help and questions on Hype

As a budding audiophile im trying to put together a half satisfying system on a budget. Im looking for a Amp-Preamp combo or an integrated in the $1000 or under range .... less is better!! It will be driving Magnepan SMGa speakers but i hope to upgrade to 1.6’s in a year or two so the amp should have the oomph!! to power them. The amp(pre) should have a tape loop. A phono would be nice but not a must. I listen to jass, blues, pop, classical and folk, so a well rounded amp is preferred. I have not had a chance to listen to much yet but have compared a Naim Nait 3 with a Rega Mira and liked the Naim more mostly because of the much tighter, deeper, and richer bass ...... This helped the SMGa’s
Thin bass immensely. Sooooo .... I think you get the idea of what i might be looking for and any suggestions would be wonderful. There is so much stuff out there i get a little lost
After hours of searching the web for info on this subject have seen a lot of things that make me curious. There seams to be a lot of hype in this price range ie: This ss amp is warmer and richer most $3000 tubes, This tube amp has the drum tight thunder and sparkling clarity of a ss amp at 3 times the price!!, Hybrid amps are the wave of the future because it has the best of both worlds............. Just to pick on one of these guys i have questions about the Jolida 1501. I have never listened to this product so i have no opinion on the sound. After reading just about everything i can find about this integrated, in many ways this sounds like what im looking for. But after all the glowing reviews and boasting, and almost nothing bad or even constructively critical. It leaves me a little ....... suspicious about this product ( just one example of many, nothing personal Joilda!). Are my 21st century consumer goods B.S. screening filter tuned in right or is it out of phase??

There is a lot of hype everywhere. Meaningful and reliable descriptions of the sound signature of a particular component are rare. I suggest you stop reading reviews/recommendations/websites and go listen to things. When you've found something that seems promising, bring it home and try it in your system. Audiogon members can tell you what they've tried and liked (which is worth something), but no one can tell you what will sound good in your sytem, in your room, with the recordings you like to listen to.

Part of the reason for the hype is that many amps sound remarkably similar these days (though there are exceptions), so everybody seems to feel a need to bend over backward to emphasize differences. So listen carefully.

That said, I suspect you'll get more oomph for the dollar in your price range by sticking with integrateds.
I agree that an integrated is the way to go. There are so many choices with integrateds in your price range these days. I would start by looking to see what your local dealer carries.
Mr. Bomarc is quite right. Don't read the audio press. Listen to the stuff. Try for a home audition so that you will know how it will sound in your own system and in your own room. An integrated will probably provide the best solution dollar-wise. Power does matter, anyone telling you otherwise probably has thin walls and bothersome neighbours. That does not always mean buying the amp that provides the most power for the money, but the best amp for your needs, within your budget. I would start out my quest with a listen to the Bryston integrated and the newer Creek. Regards.
First of all, in your price range, if you want top performance you have to go used. You will get at least twice the bang for the buck. Here is a great example and a solid recommendation. The Hafler Transnova 9300 amp and the Adcom GFP 565 preamp.These were both rated Class B in Stereophile's Recommended Components. They are both giant killers and give up very little to names like Krell, Levinson, Threshold etc in terms of bottom line performance. They sold for $1250 & $900 in the early 90's but can be had readily for $450 & $300 now. Thats about 1/3 of original price. These two components offer about 90% of the performance of the best available for a paltry $750. They work well together and are very reliable. As a bonus the Adcom has a world class phono stage. They are so good and such a bargain that you would be completely safe in purchasing them without an audition.